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IEP Goals and Objectives

Creating Effective IEP Goals for Conversation Skills in Middle School Students

Creating Effective IEP Goals for Conversation Skills in Middle School Students


Improving conversation skills is crucial for middle school students in special education. By focusing on the target skill, we can help enhance their social interactions, learning, and overall wellbeing.

Understanding Conversation Drivers and Stoppers

Conversation drivers are strategies that initiate or maintain a conversation, while conversation stoppers abruptly halt the conversation. Fostering the use of conversation drivers and reducing conversation stoppers can positively impact students’ social interactions and personal growth.

The Role of Specialists

  • Speech-Language Pathologists: Assist in developing verbal and non-verbal communication skills and understanding social cues.
  • Social Workers: Support students in building healthy relationships and navigating social situations.
  • Psychologists: Help students overcome any emotional or behavioral barriers that may hinder their conversation abilities.
  • School Counselors: Offer guidance and interventions to enhance students’ social skills and self-confidence.

IEP Goals for Conversation Skills

Goal 1: Increase Use of Conversation Drivers

Strategies and Activities:

  • Role-play scenarios to practice conversation starters and maintainers.
  • Teach students to ask open-ended questions and actively listen to their peers.
  • Encourage students to share their interests and experiences to foster connections.

Goal 2: Decrease Use of Conversation Stoppers

Strategies and Activities:

  • Identify and discuss common conversation stoppers (e.g., one-word responses).
  • Model appropriate responses that demonstrate interest and engagement.
  • Practice recognizing and avoiding conversation stoppers in various settings.

Implementing and Measuring Progress

  • Monitor students’ progress through observation and data collection.
  • Collaborate with specialists to ensure consistent support and interventions.
  • Regularly review and adjust IEP goals as needed to meet students’ evolving needs.


Effective IEP goals for conversation skills can significantly improve middle school students’ social interactions and overall wellbeing. Apply these strategies and collaborate with specialists to support your students. To explore more resources, visit Everyday Speech Sample Materials.

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