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Teaching Good Sportsmanship: Free Worksheets and Activities

Teaching Good Sportsmanship: Free Worksheets and Activities

Teaching Good Sportsmanship: Free Worksheets and Activities

Sportsmanship is an essential aspect of social emotional learning that helps individuals develop important skills such as teamwork, respect, and conflict resolution. By teaching good sportsmanship, we can nurture positive relationships, foster a sense of fairness, and promote healthy competition. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of sportsmanship, discuss effective strategies for teaching it, and provide free worksheets and activities to support your efforts.

What is sportsmanship?

Sportsmanship refers to the ethical and respectful behavior exhibited by individuals in sports or competitive activities. It encompasses a range of key characteristics, including fairness, integrity, respect for opponents, and graciousness in both victory and defeat. Developing good sportsmanship skills is crucial not only in sports but also in various aspects of life, such as school, work, and personal relationships.

There are numerous benefits to cultivating good sportsmanship skills. Firstly, it helps individuals build positive relationships with teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials. It fosters a sense of camaraderie, teamwork, and mutual respect, leading to a more enjoyable and inclusive environment. Secondly, it promotes fair play and ethical behavior, teaching individuals to follow rules, accept decisions, and compete with integrity. Lastly, good sportsmanship helps individuals develop resilience and emotional regulation by teaching them how to handle both success and failure gracefully.

Teaching good sportsmanship

Creating a positive and inclusive environment is a fundamental aspect of teaching good sportsmanship. By emphasizing teamwork and cooperation, individuals learn to value collaboration over individual success. Encourage students to support and uplift their teammates, fostering a sense of unity and shared goals. Additionally, it is essential to emphasize respect for opponents, teaching individuals to appreciate their skills and efforts. This can be achieved by discouraging negative comments or behaviors towards opponents and promoting empathy and understanding.

Modeling good sportsmanship behavior is another effective strategy. As educators and role models, we have the responsibility to lead by example. Demonstrate fair play, integrity, and respect in your own actions and interactions. Highlight positive sportsmanship role models, both within and outside of sports, to inspire and motivate individuals to emulate their behavior. This can include famous athletes, historical figures, or even fictional characters who exemplify the values of good sportsmanship.

Effective communication and conflict resolution skills are crucial components of good sportsmanship. Teach individuals how to express themselves clearly, listen actively, and resolve conflicts in a fair and respectful manner. Provide opportunities for students to practice these skills through role-playing exercises, group discussions, and real-life scenarios. By equipping individuals with these skills, they will be better prepared to handle disagreements, resolve conflicts, and maintain positive relationships both on and off the field.

Free worksheets and activities for teaching good sportsmanship

To support your efforts in teaching good sportsmanship, we have created free worksheets and activities that you can utilize in your lessons. These resources are designed to engage students, promote self-reflection, and encourage critical thinking.

Worksheet 1: Understanding sportsmanship

This worksheet provides a clear definition of sportsmanship and offers examples of good sportsmanship behaviors. It also includes reflection questions to promote self-awareness and encourage individuals to think about their own behavior and how it aligns with the principles of good sportsmanship.

Worksheet 2: Identifying sportsmanship behaviors

This worksheet presents various scenarios for analysis and identification of sportsmanship behaviors. Students are encouraged to critically evaluate each scenario and determine whether the behavior exhibited aligns with the principles of good sportsmanship. Discussion questions are provided to facilitate group conversations and deepen understanding.

Activity 1: Team-building exercises

This activity focuses on fostering teamwork and collaboration. It includes collaborative games and activities that require individuals to work together towards a common goal. Reflection prompts are provided to reinforce the importance of sportsmanship values such as communication, cooperation, and support for teammates.

Activity 2: Role-playing sportsmanship situations

This activity allows individuals to practice appropriate responses in sportsmanship-related situations. Role-play scenarios are provided, and students are encouraged to act out different roles and explore various perspectives. Group discussions following the role-plays enable individuals to reflect on their choices and consider alternative approaches to handling similar situations in the future.


Teaching good sportsmanship is a valuable endeavor that can have a profound impact on individuals’ personal and social development. By creating a positive and inclusive environment, modeling good sportsmanship behavior, and teaching effective communication and conflict resolution skills, we can help individuals become respectful, fair, and empathetic individuals both on and off the field.

Remember, incorporating sportsmanship education is an ongoing process that requires consistent reinforcement and practice. By utilizing the free worksheets and activities provided, you can engage your students and facilitate meaningful discussions about the importance of good sportsmanship.

Start your EverydaySpeech free trial today to access a wide range of resources, including worksheets, activities, videos, and more, to support your social emotional learning curriculum. Together, let’s empower individuals to become compassionate, respectful, and resilient members of society.

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