It is no surprise during these unprecedented times that feelings of stress, worry, and anxiety are at an all-time high for both adults and children. Many children no longer have the predictable routine of 8-3 school days or the consistent social exposure and...
Category: General
Self-Care Tips for Educators
Image Credit: Heidie Ambrose The beginning of a new school year typically brings a mix of emotions: the bittersweet end to long, hot summer days with a mix of excitement and anticipation for the start of a brand new school year ahead. But there is nothing typical...
Parents Guide: Staying Connected During COVID-19
2020 has brought a whole lot of changes to our day-to-day lives and also our society. Our new ‘normal’ involves masks hanging from our cars’ rear view mirrors, strangers taking our temperatures, and words like Zoom and social distancing becoming a part of our everyday...
Everyday Speech: Equity Statement
We at Everyday Speech, like most of the world, have been saddened, angered, and outright disgusted by the course of recent events including the murder of George Floyd, who is just one victim of the many acts of injustice, brutality, and systemic racism aimed at people...
Remote Learning Checklist
As we teach students how to be students again, we’re boosting their tolerance for challenges, such as working to understand a math concept or having the discipline for non-preferred academics. For this, they need to have a growth mindset; the mindset that skills...
Interactive Game: Everyday Speech World
Nothing helps children reinforce what they’ve learned like practical experience, but in-person interactions are scarce in this time of social distancing. Our solution for you? Everyday Speech World! Everyday Speech World is a digital game where social situations can...
Update: New Platform Features
We’re so excited to share our new features, designed to save you oodles of prep and planning time, along with making remote learning a breeze! Send Work Home You can now share materials with students directly without having them create an account. Students will be...
Update: New Interactive Worksheets & Features
In case you missed it, a large selection of our activities and worksheets are now interactive! This means that your students can now complete work directly on screen without the need for print-outs. Additionally, answers are now autograded and can be sent to you as a...
Extending our response to Coronavirus / COVID-19
In March, we announced our COVID-19 response, which included free access for parents and students, and deep discounts for professionals through July 1st, 2020. In the past two months, we’ve been able to gather a lot more information about the pandemic and how schools...