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IEP Goals and Objectives

Effective IEP Goals for Helping Kindergarten Students Stay Calm

Effective IEP Goals for Helping Kindergarten Students Stay Calm

In special education, it is essential to identify and address the skills necessary for a child’s emotional well-being. One such skill is the ability to manage emotions and stay calm. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of this skill, the role of specialists in fostering it, and specific IEP goals to help kindergarten students develop it.

Understanding Calmness and Emotional Regulation

Calmness and emotional regulation are the abilities to control one’s emotions and maintain a composed state of mind and body. These skills are crucial in a child’s learning, social interactions, and overall well-being. When students can manage their emotions, they are better equipped to focus, participate in classroom activities, and build positive relationships with their peers.

The Role of Specialists

Various specialists play a vital role in supporting the development of calmness and emotional regulation in students:

  • Speech-Language Pathologists: Help students improve their communication skills to express their emotions effectively.
  • Social Workers: Support students in navigating social situations and developing coping strategies for emotional regulation.
  • Psychologists: Work with students to identify triggers and provide techniques to manage emotions and maintain calmness.
  • School Counselors: Collaborate with teachers and families to create a supportive environment that fosters emotional regulation.

IEP Goals for Calmness and Emotional Regulation

Here are some SMART IEP goals to help kindergarten students develop calmness and emotional regulation:

  1. Goal: The student will utilize one calm-down strategy (e.g., deep breaths, counting to ten, picturing something happy, or asking for a break) when feeling upset, with 80% accuracy in four out of five instances.

    Strategies & Activities: Teach and practice various calm-down strategies, use visual aids, and provide opportunities for role-playing.
  2. Goal: The student will express their emotions using appropriate language and tone, in four out of five opportunities, as measured by teacher observations.

    Strategies & Activities: Teach emotion vocabulary, model appropriate expression, and provide feedback during classroom activities.

Implementing and Measuring Progress

To implement these goals and measure progress, follow these steps:

  • Collaborate with specialists to develop strategies and activities.
  • Regularly review and adjust IEP goals based on the student’s progress.
  • Communicate with parents and caregivers to reinforce strategies at home.
  • Document progress through observations, data collection, and assessments.


Developing calmness and emotional regulation skills is crucial for a child’s success in the classroom and beyond. By implementing these IEP goals and collaborating with specialists, educators can help kindergarten students manage their emotions effectively. We encourage you to apply these strategies and invite you to explore more resources at Everyday Speech Sample Materials.

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