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IEP Goals and Objectives

Effective IEP Goals for Enhancing Job Application Skills

Effective IEP Goals for Enhancing Job Application Skills


In special education, it is crucial to develop students’ abilities to apply for jobs, as these skills play a significant role in their future success and independence. The target skill of job application encompasses various aspects such as searching for job opportunities, preparing application materials, and following up on applications.

Understanding Job Application Skills

Job application skills refer to the abilities required to effectively search, apply, and follow up on job opportunities. These skills have a substantial impact on students’ learning, as they foster self-confidence, independence, and a sense of responsibility. Moreover, they contribute to students’ social interactions, as they learn to communicate with potential employers and navigate professional settings. Ultimately, the development of job application skills contributes to students’ overall wellbeing and future success.

The Role of Specialists

Various specialists can support the development of job application skills in students, including:

  • Speech-Language Pathologists: They can help students improve their communication skills, which are essential for interviews and professional interactions.
  • Social Workers: They can provide guidance on job search strategies and resources, as well as support students in developing social skills for the workplace.
  • Psychologists: They can address any emotional or psychological barriers that may hinder students’ job application process and help them build resilience.
  • School Counselors: They can offer career guidance and assist students in creating resumes, cover letters, and preparing for interviews.

IEP Goals for Job Application Skills

Below are some specific SMART IEP goals to improve job application skills in students:

  1. Goal: The student will independently search for and identify three potential job opportunities per month for three consecutive months.

    Strategies and Activities: Teach students how to use online job search engines, identify job postings in the community, and network with peers.
  2. Goal: The student will complete a job application with 100% accuracy within a 30-minute timeframe.

    Strategies and Activities: Provide students with sample applications, teach them how to gather necessary documentation, and practice filling out applications.
  3. Goal: The student will create a resume and cover letter tailored to a specific job opportunity within one week of identifying the opportunity.

    Strategies and Activities: Teach students the components of a resume and cover letter, provide templates, and offer feedback on drafts.
  4. Goal: The student will follow up on job applications by sending a professional email or making a phone call within one week of submitting the application.

    Strategies and Activities: Teach students email and phone etiquette, provide templates for follow-up communication, and practice role-playing phone calls.

Implementing and Measuring Progress

To effectively implement and measure progress on these goals, educators can:

  • Collaborate with specialists to provide targeted support and resources.
  • Regularly monitor and document students’ progress towards achieving their goals.
  • Adjust strategies and activities as needed based on students’ progress and feedback.
  • Communicate with students and their families about their progress and any additional support needed.


By focusing on the development of job application skills, educators can empower middle school students to take charge of their future success. Implementing effective IEP goals, collaborating with specialists, and measuring progress can lead to meaningful improvements in students’ abilities. We encourage you to apply these goals and strategies in your classroom and invite you to explore more resources at Everyday Speech Sample Materials.

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