Hi Everyday Speechies!
We hope you’re gearing up for some very well-deserved time off! Finish the year strong with our December content updates, including new activities, videos, and games!
Start your holiday celebrations with our new printable gratitude activity, then try some of our new videos and games related to working in groups, advocating for yourself, and keeping conversations flowing.
December is also a great time to reflect on how far your students have come, provide positive feedback, and get them excited to expand their skillset in the new year.
NEW Free Holiday Activity
Cup of Gratitude | Pre-K – Elementary Printable Activity
In this winter activity, students glue a “Cup of Gratitude” hot cocoa together. Then, they write what they are grateful for on each of the marshmallows.
NEW and Updated Videos
Staying with the Group | Pre-K and K Video
When playing with others, it’s important to stay physically close. This helps everyone feel like they’re part of the group.
Transitioning to a New Activity | Pre-K and K Video
Students learn why it’s important to stop and listen to adults, even when they’re doing an activity they enjoy.
Being Proud of Who I Am | Middle and High School Video
Being proud of who we are means accepting ourselves. We love ourselves as we are. We also celebrate and respect others for who they are regardless of differences in abilities.
Self-Advocacy With Friends | Middle and High School Video
When we speak up about our needs, we are practicing self-advocacy. We need to be able to tell our friends what we need, as well as communicate our thoughts and feelings.
NEW Everyday Speech World Games
New Activities
Being a Group Member
Students learn how different actions make a group feel in this downloadable matching activity!
Transitioning Activities
Help students learn to transition between activities with this interactive sequencing activity!