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[SCENE 1 – Liz is seated on a couch and looking at her phone]
Ashley: (sits beside Liz) Hey, Liz.
Liz: (looks up from phone) Hi, Ashley.
Ashley: Did you hear we’re having an assembly tomorrow?
Liz: Yeah. I’m really excited. It’s after lunch, right?
Ashley: Yeah, 12.
Ashley” (voice over) When I want to start a conversation with someone, I say “Hi” to get their attention and let them know I’m talking to them. Then, I bring up the topic by asking a question or making a comment about the topic.
[SCENE 1 replay – Liz is seated on a couch and looking at her phone]
Ashley: (sits beside Liz) Hey, Liz.
Liz: (looks up from phone) Hi, Ashley.
Ashley: Did you hear we’re having an assembly tomorrow?
Liz: Yeah. I’m really excited. It’s after lunch, right?
Ashley: Yeah, 12.
Narrator: When we want to start a conversation, we greet the person we’re talking to.
Ashley: (sits beside Liz) Hey, Liz.
Liz: (looks up from phone) Hi, Ashley.
Narrator: Then, we ask a question or make a comment to start the conversation about a topic.
Ashley: Did you hear we’re having an assembly tomorrow?
Liz: Yeah. I’m really excited.
Narrator: Now, we can continue taking turns to keep the conversation going.
Liz: It’s after lunch, right?
Ashley: Yeah, 12.
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